Try a Little Gratitude

Kim Strohmeier
08.03.22 05:07 AM Comment(s)
"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder."
                                - G.K. Chesterton, English Author and Christian apologist

For a good many of you, the last 16 or so months have been rough. Challenges in the business can tend to get you down personally.

There has been a tremendous amount of research over the last few decades on how the brain works. We now know that there are various techniques you can use to increase brain capacity, to learn faster, or even to change your mood. With that in mind, here are a couple things you can do to combat that down feeling you get when things aren't going as well as you would like:

Here's the first idea. It may have been a tough year, but it likely wasn't a total wash-out. And there are people - employees, customers, advisors/mentors, friends - that helped you out. Take some time to thank them! Not just an email or a form letter, but a personal, heart-felt, hand-written note. There's some business value in this - it can motivate others and provide for a greater commitment to what you do. But maybe the biggest benefit is to you, to your own emotional well-being and stress relief.

Here's another idea. Find a partner - your spouse, your business partner, an employee, a trusted friend - and sit down with a piece of paper and start completing this sentence: "So far this year, I'm proud of ..." As you run out of things to say, have your partner nudge you along with suggestions or even just a "what else?" Keep on writing until you have 30-40 items that you can use to brag on yourself. They don't have to be big, and they don't even have to be business-related. And then keep the list. Put it in a "Success File" folder and get it out and read over it again when you've had a rotten day.

Suddenly, this past year and a half won't seem so awful after all, and it can remind you that, you did manage to salvage some good things.

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- Adapted from an Inc. magazine article and an Eric Mosley blog article