Here Is What I Believe About Business

Over the years, I have found that, for most business owners, their definition of success generally means that they want their business to provide enough money for them to have a comfortable standard of living, and that it is managed well enough that they have some free time to enjoy life with their family and friends. Essentially, that's their definition of Freedom.

But in every business, there are numerous challenges that get in the way of that quest for freedom. These challenges typically sound something like:

“I’ve got too much to do, and not enough time to do it…”

“It seems that I’m just spinning my wheels, continually struggling to make
ends meet…”

“I just can't find good people that I can trust…” or sometimes,

As a business coach, my job is to help solve these challenges, to help a business owner find that freedom they want. In the life of a business, there is a particular trajectory of development. This trajectory applies to any business; a bookstore, a building contractor, or a barber. And it applies to your business.

The Governing Values of My Business


Temper knowledge to client's situation

We will continually strive to improve our own competence, tempering our knowledge and skills to the individual business owner's situation, applying it in a way that they are best able to benefit from it.


Business owner more important than business

We believe that the business owner is bigger than their business; they have wants and dreams independent of their business. Coaching is about providing them freedom, but ultimately about providing them peace.


Do the right thing even when it's hard

We will follow Christ's example in our business by treating all with respect and dignity, just as we would wish to be treated, and we will expect the same of our clients. We will do the right thing, even if it's uncomfortable. If we say we will do something, you can count on it getting done.


Private self same as public self

We are who we seem to be, our private self is the same as our public self.

Who I Am

A career’s worth of experience in advising and coaching farmers and business owners, developing nationally recognized programs to help them realize their dreams.

A deep understanding and empathy for what motivates and challenges small business that comes from the “school of hard knocks” experience of owning and managing several businesses, including a campground where I increased annual revenues by 25% in 7 months.

A passion to help small entrepreneurs build their businesses to the point that they find the time and financial freedom to live their lives the way they want.

Author of two books, one used as a college business planning textbook, and contributor to an internationally-distributed coaching trade magazine. National boot-camp style trainer for small entrepreneurs and business coaches.

Attempts to live up to high standards of Christian integrity and trustworthiness. Volunteer efforts have included construction with a local Habitat, serving at a soup kitchen, a faith educator at church, as well as a group home for intellectually/ developmentally disabled adults, and serving as a Scoutmaster, (where 25% of the troop earned their Eagle rank.)

A native Kentuckian, recently moved to eastern Virginia in order to be near grandkids; an avid reader, an obsessive genealogist, a river enthusiast, and a bourbon and classic jazz aficionado.

Are You Making The Six Critical Mistakes In Your Business?

Not sure what those mistakes are?


Get your free E-book that reveals the top 6 mistakes business owners make... and the solutions you need to break away from those mistakes.


These solutions are called "Golden Keys to Freedom", because they allow access to a simple solution for a difficult problem.


These Golden Keys are all you need to start dramatically improving your cash flow, building your team's productivity, and increasing your free time!

Ready to start growing your business NOW?

Are You Unsure What You Need To Do To Make Your Business Grow?

Coaching can help you increase profit, build

a winning team, and give you the Freedom

to do What You Want

Here Is What I Believe About Business

Over the years, I have found that, for most business owners, their definition of success generally means that they want their business to provide enough money for them to have a comfortable standard of living, and that it is managed well enough that they have some free time to enjoy life with their family and friends. Essentially, that's their definition of Freedom.

But in every business, there are numerous challenges that get in the way of that quest for freedom. These challenges typically sound something like:

“I’ve got too much to do, and not enough time to do it…”

“It seems that I’m just spinning my wheels, continually struggling to make

ends meet…”

“I just can't find good people that I can trust…” or sometimes,

As a business coach, my job is to help solve these challenges, to help a business owner find that freedom they want. In the life of a business, there is a particular trajectory of development. This trajectory applies to any business; a bookstore, a building contractor, or a barber. And it applies to your business.

Still Waters Business Coaching

513 Prince Edward St

Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Copyright 2024